
New York, United States (22880 Members ) Signup or Login

Welcome to the Manhattan Freecycle Town Group!

The Freecycle Network™ is made up of 5,358 Town Groups with 11,379,110 members across the globe. It's a grassroots, entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns, and thus keeping good stuff out of landfills.

Membership is free, and everything posted must be FREE, legal, and appropriate for all ages. As long as you remain a member of this group, you will be able view and respond to the items here.

Regardless of Town, be sure to abide by Freecycle Guidelines and Terms of Service. Links to both can be found at the bottom of any Freecycle site page.

Posting Do's:

- Do include a photo (if you can) and enough of a description (no links), so that potential recipients will know if it is right for them. If the item needs repair or has blemishes, say so. Maybe your recipient likes fixing things up or could use it as a theatrical prop!

- Do set My Settings/General Location to your specific Manhattan neighborhood or nearest cross street, so that recipients will know if they can travel to you or not.

- Do maintain your post's current status via My Posts/Manage Post. However, wait until item has been picked up before marking as Taken or Received. It's worth repeating: Don't mark the item as Taken/Received until it has been picked up, otherwise you will lose messaging capabilities for that post should the pickup not happen for any reason.

- Do reply, in-house, to your post's replies, even if it is just to say, "There's a lot of interest. Will let you know when I know." If you don't get a reply, check the site for messages, directly. (Historically, emails are often, sporadically, and mysteriously unreliable.)

- Do expect all recipients to pick up their items. No deliveries, please, unless you really want or need it and make a point of saying so in your ad, and do so absolutely free of charge and/or barter.

- Do pick up items as soon as possible or as indicated by the post, and give an accurate, specific time of pick-up (not a time range.)

Posting Don'ts

- Don't take anything on Offer for the purpose of resale. Resale is not allowed. If you are seeking materials for the making of new products that you plan to sell, that is okay, but advertising or promoting yourself or the business in any way is not okay.
- Don't include or ask for contact info or addresses in your post. Wait until you've selected your recipient before exchanging only the minimally necessary contact and location information. 

- Don't post in multiple boroughs. If you want to post to all boroughs, join the Town, "New York City", and post there. 

- Don't submit your post with any dramatic story. Leave out the reason why you are posting, unless you can do it in a way that is clean, true, usefully informative, non-manipulative, and appropriate to all ages. In a hurry to get things gone!? Understandable! So, DO state when you need it picked up by.

- Don't be vague or bothersome in replies. If you are interested in an item, get to the point. Eg: I'm interested in x-item and can pick it up at y-time on z-date. Replying in private to a post is the best place to let a person know why you need an item: keep it true and absent of drama.

- Don't break your pickup appointment unless you are unavoidably delayed, and if so, call or text to reschedule. But, don't be surprised if the item is then given to someone else who can pick it up sooner.

Wanted Post Don'ts

- Don't submit a Wanted post until after you have searched for and replied to existing offers.
- Don't submit more than one Wanted post per month.
- Don't submit more than one item per Wanted post.
- Don't submit a Wanted post on behalf of others, including charities.
- Don't submit a Wanted post for expensive, new, or branded items, unless a part is needed for a specific brand.
- Don't submit a Wanted post asking for services or food, for people or pets. 
- Don't submit ads not in alignment with the goals of Freecycle. If you are in need: Search existing offers, and get an email for every new post so you don't miss out. If you are still in need, seek out a charity organization.
- Don't overuse or misuse wanted posts or you may be dropped from the Town without notice.

Thank you for being a courteous, responsible Freecycle participant!

DISCLAIMER: FREECYCLE NETWORK MEMBERS USE THE LIST AT THEIR OWN RISK. Please take reasonable measures to protect your safety and privacy when posting to the list or participating in an exchange. By joining the list, you agree to hold neither the list owners and moderators nor anyone affiliated with responsible or liable for any circumstance resulting from a Freecycle-related exchange or communication.