Sudbury & Hadleigh

East, United Kingdom (5359 Members ) Signup or Login
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Scammers MO

Hi all, please be aware of scams operating on Freecycle ( All towns )
We have received multiple reports of a single item being offered, however when contacted the poster has "moved" address, but will happily send the item to you if you send them the payment for a courier upfront. THIS IS A SCAM. The item does not exist, and payments should NEVER be sent to anyone for a Freecycle Object.

To name and shame the current offender, please ignore and report any posts you might see from any town where the user has the email of, and might have a similar username. If you have fallen victim to this crime, please report it to the Police with as much information as you have.

For absolutely ALL freecycle posts, if anyone asks you to send any money, please screenshot what you can, or write their details down ( Post ID is helpful too ) and let a Moderator know. Please do NOT send the user any form of payment, nor give them personal details.

Please report any posts you believe mgith be suspicious. Thankyou