Phone numbers, addresses, and zip codes are sure to send the post to moderation which can delay the post by 24 hours. Please leave them out of the post. I do allow phone numbers, but they must be verified before the post is approved from Moderation. (Not all® Towns/groups accept phone numbers.)
The {General Location} box, or box next to the Old Cross-Roads sign in posts, is found under the 'head and shoulders silhouette'{My Settings} scroll most of the way down the page. If you look at other posts, most have the closest major, and sometimes minor, street crossings.
Street crossings give the person a better idea where you are located because they can put the information into a map program and find the general location. For example: W Belleview and S. Windermere Please note you can put about 100 characters including spaces in the box.
If you are posting to another® location, placing the home®) group in the {General Location} Box is wise. For example: Posting to Denver® the location would be: Littleton: S. Santa Fe and W Mineral Ave
If you have any questions, the [Message Moderators] button is located at the top of the listing 'head and shoulders silhouette' {My Towns} [Select a town (Littleton)] [Message Moderators]. Good luck with your post.
Best wishes,
Hrolf Littleton® moderator