Thank you for your interest in The Freecycle Network™. Freecycle has generated a great deal of interest in the media due to its global impact -- over 9 million members worldwide are gifting, sharing, and building strong communities in over 5,000 local Town groups, led by thousands of local volunteers. But there are only two full-time staff members: our software engineer, Steev, and myself. So, we'd like to ask you to be patient with us regarding our replies and interviews. We'll do the best we can! You can reach out to us using the contact info below. Thanks,
-Deron Beal, Executive Director, The Freecycle Network
Our success depends on your inspiration. So, please try your darnedest in your piece to be clear about what The Freecycle Network is and what it isn't... for example, it is more than just a place to just go get free stuff for nothing. It is a place to give what you have and don't need, or receive what you need and don't have -- a free cycle of giving which keeps good stuff out of landfills. When media reports convey that perspective, along with a sense of community and compassion, it can inspire a wave of new, active members who appreciate the sharing and waste-reduction ethos of The Freecycle Network.
Our Trademark
FREECYCLE is a trademark-protected term. This big grassroots movement is supported by a tiny little nonprofit organization with a staff of two. It takes many hands and hearts to defend our trademark, and we need your help. Please use “Freecycle” as a noun referring to The Freecycle Network or, or as an adjective ("Freecycle Town group", etc.), but please never morph “Freecycle” into another word or use it as a verb. Freecycler, freecycling, freecycle the couch, etc. are no-nos that will get us in trouble and put our trademark at risk. We offer great and simple instructions on the correct use of our trademark here. Thanks for the extra care in writing about us and our mission which is so critical in reducing waste and consumption during such an important time for the planet.
Thank you for your time and support! Please feel free to reach out to us below if you are interested in an interview.
Bloomberg, January 2022: Freecycle: The Shopping Trend That Doesn't Wreck the Planet, January 2022: Clean Up, Reuse, Recycle in the New Year
Waste 360, November 2021: Freecycle Network Fuels Gifting Economy
CNBC, November 2021: From Buy Nothing to Freecycle, gifting groups help bolster budgets and build community
Random Lengths News, October 2021: My Recycled Life: Freecycle in Your Neighborhood
The Guardian, August 2021: Lockdown spirit lives on as neighbour groups become swap shops
BBC News, August 2021: Sharing apps are booming, but will the kindness continue?
Our Newswire volunteer posts the latest press and all kinds of interesting stuff about The Freecycle Network here.
Freecycle can educate the world at a local level about how critical recycling and reducing waste are. It empowers people on a grassroots and local level to take charge and make the world a better place, keeping countless tons of reusable items out of local landfills. It is a cycle of giving/sharing and re-use. Everyone gives to everyone with absolutely no expectations of anything at all in return.
“I gave a loveseat to a lady who had nothing. Her husband had walked out on her and her children, and they were starting over from scratch. She was so thankful she cried - over a loveseat I would have probably thrown away.” — Louisville, KY
“My Daughters' stolen bicycles were replaced in time for Christmas!” — mom of five, Austin, Texas
“A truckload of diapers, clothes and supplies was collected through Freecycle for an orphanage in Haiti. FedEx donated the shipping!” — San Jose, CA
“At a local Freecycle 'Hurricane Help Project' event, hundreds of local community members helped victims of the latest hurricane with free furniture and building supplies.” — Melbourne, FL
For inquiries please Contact Us (or via the floating "?" on the lower right of this page).
Or write to us at: The Freecycle Network®, P.O. Box 294, Tucson, AZ 85702